Milton and Hugo Blog

15 Key Benefits of Self-Publishing That All Authors Should Be Aware Of

From retaining creative control and maximizing royalties to faster publishing timelines and the ability to build your own brand, self-publishing empowers writers to shape their literary destiny. Discover the advantages of self-publishing and embark on a fulfilling publishing journey where you hold t...

Seven Tips for Setting up a Great Writing Workspace

If you want to achieve great things as a writer, you will want to optimize every aspect of the writing process. A great way to do this, is to make sure that your writing workspace is as beneficial to the writing activity as possible. However, making your writing workspace could be a bit tricky. You...

10 Self-publishing Tips for Newbie Authors

If you want to self-publish a book of your own, you can definitely do so. With the rise of print-on-demand services, you will no longer have to spend a fortune just to publish your book. However, self-publishing a book for the very first time could be tricky.

7 Great Ways to Get Book Writing Ideas

Great book ideas can make your career as an author. In many ways it can even change your life, take incredibly successful writers like Stephen King or J.K Rowling. They first started out as struggling writers and had a very hard time getting their books recognized.