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Print & Digital Formatting

Print & Digital Formatting

Elevate your book's appearance with our expert layout artists! Say goodbye to mediocre formatting and hello to a professional and engaging book format for both print and digital submissions. Our team can enhance your manuscript's interior layout and keep your audience captivated. Try our print and digital formatting process today.

Cover Design Options

A book's cover is the first thing that catches a reader's eye. To ensure that your cover design captivates your readers from the start, Milton & Hugo provides a range of options, including template-based designs and fully customized, illustrated designs. Let our team of cover design professionals bring your vision to life and make a great first impression.

Cover Design Options
E-book Conversion & Distribution

E-book Conversion & Distribution

You don't have to worry about using old e-book converters anymore! At Milton & Hugo, we can convert your finished manuscripts into various e-book formats such as .kpf, .pdf, and .epub that can be distributed worldwide. Our network comprises 51 trustworthy online bookstores across the globe, which means that your e-book can be made available in 51 different territories.

80% Royalty Rate and Online Distribution

Milton & Hugo can distribute your book to global online retailers in various territories and book formats. Grab the opportunity for global exposure and earn an impressive 80% royalty per book sale.

80% Royalty Rate and Online Distribution
Media Release Blast

Media Release Blast

Despite the increasing popularity of digital media, traditional media still reaches a vast audience. Not everyone wants to be in the spotlight on social media, so diversifying your approach can help you reach different segments of your audience and boost sales. Milton & Hugo’s Media Release Blast can help spread the word about your book through over 3,800 channels, including newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Let us do the talking for you and share your good news far and wide.


Reach your full potential as an author by obtaining an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number). Milton & Hugo will help you expand your potential readership and improve content discovery through efficient book search features.

Multiple and Bulk Printing

Multiple and Bulk Printing

Milton & Hugo offers multiple printed books so that you'll always have enough copies for your readers. Our packages include up to ten paperback and three hardback copies, in addition to author copies. We also offer bulk printing to ensure bookstores have ample stock to sell.

Print on Demand with Global Distribution

Looking for a hassle-free way to distribute your book worldwide? Milton & Hugo’s Print on Demand with Worldwide Distribution package allows you to print your book on demand, ensuring that readers can purchase it whenever they want, without worrying about bookstores running out of copies.

Print on Demand with Global Distribution