Web Design

Web Design

To amplify your book's online presence and increase brand recognition, consider using Milton & Hugo's web design service. We will help you create and manage your website to market your book and other facets of the self-publishing process.

Media Release Blast

Your story deserves to be heard. Let us help you tell it to the world! Milton & Hugo understands the importance of telling your story in a way that truly connects with your intended readers. Through Media Release Blast, we can work together to craft a narrative that resonates deeply with your target audience. 

Milton & Hugo will create an original media release that draws the attention of media outlets. Our team of professional copywriters specializes in the journalistic style and tone that are essential for you to reach your intended audience. 

Media Release Blast
Book Trailer

Book Trailer

Milton & Hugo offers a service that brings your book's concept to life, giving your viewers a sneak peek and generating buzz for your upcoming release. Our book trailer service is a great way to promote your book and engage with your audience visually.

Online Magazine

When it comes to marketing your book, it always pays to have a lot of options to choose from. This is why Milton & Hugo offer an online magazine service. Magazines have always been a great platform to market books. With the online magazine service, ads of your book will be featured in monthly issues of the online magazine. This will definitely help expand your book’s overall marketing reach.

Online Magazine

Don't let your book go unnoticed. Equip yourself with the right strategy and tools to succeed by choosing Milton & Hugo's marketing service. Talk to us at 888-778-0033.