Citation - The rates indicated in Milton and Hugo, or any approved rates upon pricing through email are subject to change or still tentative depending on the service it is comprised with once received. Please note that these charges are based on the existing production prices, which takes precedence over the entire rates listed.

Terms of Service Agreement - To utilize Milton and Hugo’s services, you are expected to: (a) agree with Milton and Hugo’s Terms and Conditions, (b) be of legal age to form binding agreements under legal grounds with the company, (c) remain from accepting services under the state’s regulations which you are residing from or from which these services are being employed.

Completing the registration process with Milton and Hugo would denote your compliance with the business’s protocols as administered by our Terms & Conditions. Milton and Hugo declares its right to any document alteration with supplemented conditions for a specific service or event at its sole discretion.

Content - You will be in control for any message content and its possible consequences. Within the bounds of Milton and Hugo rulebooks, we are eligible to withdraw our client’s business with the company, should the firm be made aware of any infringement incurred from our Terms & Conditions. Among these includes any illegal use of individual’s personal information for commercial purposes, may that be a Milton and Hugo client or to a third party.

The usage of Milton and Hugo’s name in any bulk communications such as chain letters, junk mails, commercial or non-commercial solicitations is considered a violation. Any messages posted online, or dissemination of illicit materials that includes electronic sounds, images, and texts will be also subject to further dismissal. Electronic Documents- Any loss of information or its authenticity from the electronic file will not be held liable to Milton and Hugo’s premises unless a written form of agreement is established.

Reimbursement/Refund Guidelines

If the author chooses to proceed with Milton and Hugo’s completion of their products and services, the client will be required to pay up 30% of the full amount. Please take into account that any of Milton and Hugo marketing and publishing services are completely reimbursable as indicated in our refund policy with the exemption of the set-up charges amounting to $100 for Publishing Packages and $50 for Marketing Services. The 70% of the total paid price is to be reimbursed to the author upon the completion and submission of the Order Form.

Refund requests will be declined due to the following reasons: (a) author fails to submit the Order Form within a month, and (b) author has completed and submitted the Order Form with his/her affixed signature together with the desired publishing services.

Milton and Hugo Revisions

Milton and Hugo is entitled to alter or withdraw its site with the indicated address of https://miltonandhugo.com. In all cases, author users will be welcomed with revisions without any liability to deal with once they log in to our website.

Termination of Terms & Conditions

Milton and Hugo is entitled to terminate any pending accounts or the client’s business with the company, in the event that any type of infringement is incurred on our Terms & Conditions.

Profit Disclaimer

Please be advised that Milton and Hugo does not guarantee a regular revenue to be earned upon completion of the publishing procedure. Your financial output relies on the reasonable strategy, creativity, determinations, and etc., regardless of the services employed. The business does not manipulate the target market’s product consumption, yet the team will absolutely be responsible for their publication duties as long as it’s within the scope of our services.

Membership Agreement

These Terms administer your access and application of the services, in which the said sites are operated and owned by Milton and Hugo Publishing LLC. The author’s use of the website comprises to the Terms being agreed upon. Should there be any Terms the client may find disapproval with, they will be requested to refrain from using the website. Aforementioned, any violation of these Terms will result in withdrawing the client’s access and individual rights from profit-making.

The Terms are comprised with the Terms & Conditions applicable to particular services and products, which of the following are composed by reference. The company holds the right to alter any information that contains the Terms, the Site, and the charges for the Site use if necessary; all of which includes the discontinuation of certain features in the Site. Atop any alteration or changes, a notice will be kept posted to keep everyone informed. Notice will be disseminated through Site updates and/or email.

Warranty Prohibitions

Milton and Hugo will not interfere to any consequences from using our services as part of the company rules the authors have agreed with. Apart of the services offered to the clients during its availability, the company denies all implied warranties at all kind. Author’s agreement with the firm should include no information acquired from us that will leave us negligent or make any warranty vaguely stated in this document.

Limitation of Accountability

The client’s Publicity Right, or claims under any decrees for misleading or false trade or business activities, common law claims for fraud enticement, falsification or claims of same character, privacy offenses, are to be administrated in compliance with the laws of the United States government. Any agreements, legal matters, and claims must not contradict or move any law stipulations (whether of the State of your residence or any other jurisdiction) that would result to law application of any authorities other than the United States; or to any law of construction that permits the suspicions be construed against the drafter of an agreement.


Setting your account with Milton and Hugo and its website application would imply an agreement to the following: (a) provide an updated, accurate, and complete personal information including, your email address, (b) update any necessary information if, (c) any inaccurate and incomplete information encoded by the author himself will not hold the company liable for failure of constant communication and dissemination of important notices, out of which could affect the client’s rights under the Terms, and (d) we reserve the rights to discontinue the writer’s access to the Site. Our Privacy Policy administers the application and disclosure of any information provided.

Milton and Hugo is authorized to terminate the registration process or the permission of username entered, should it be determined for impersonation, illegal purposes, offensive act, protected by any trademark, or if not may cause confusion. The author will be held responsible for the confidentiality of the personal information entered in our system, and any transactions or purchases involved. Any form of site access reselling or account transfers to any third party is prohibited.

Website Use

In your compliance to this Terms, he/she is granted with a non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, limited rights and license to access the site; out of which comprises any digital files such as electronic text, graphics, images, videos, sounds, files, links and any other electronic files that is included in the Site (apart from the author’s content), exclusively made accessible by our team, for client’s purposes, and for exclusive use to access the Site. The above mentioned should be permitted, given that author is sustaining all the exclusive rights and copyrighted notices.

Agreement to these would imply your acknowledgement to certain features and materials, among these are advertisements and/or any trademarks that plays a significant role in the Site. The following features remain under the ownership of Milton and Hugo, its suppliers, and shareholders. Any form of unauthorized, distribution, modification, plagiarism, exploitation, or any alterations performed without Milton and Hugo’s written sanctions will be subjected to grounds of violation.

Under some circumstances that Milton and Hugo would encounter technical or system issues and unavailability, the company cannot guarantee a timely operation to get the system fixed until further notice. Milton and Hugo at its sole discretion would modify features, applications, availability, or any necessary alterations that will help the Site operation any time without notice to the clients.

Any failure of adhering to any of the contracted regulations would ensue on withdrawal of access to the site in abidance of Section 9 below. The prohibited acts our users must agree with the following:

  • Harassment, defamation, threatening, or any form of hostile acts against other users and/or to the company, including other users’ right of publicity and confidentiality rights.
  • Impersonation of any identity, and fabricated affiliations with any entity or established organization.
  • Desecration of the Site, any forms of hacking, illegal access, or voiding other users from using the website.
  • Violation of the stipulated rules and regulations.
  • Expressing false statements without any written contract, and claiming that the following statements made are permitted from our company which makes us accountable to any damages it may result into.
  • Any data transmission on the Site, or uploading of the following:
    • Any object that is fraudulent, offensive, threatening, libelous, or in any manner of invading the third party’s rights and property.
    • Any illegal transactions, or trading of private information to any third party
    • Any form of unsolicited commercial communications, out of which are solicitations, chain messages, pyramid schemes, advertisement, and investment prospects otherwise authorized by Milton and Hugo.
  • Using the site and uploading any content that involves child trafficking, child pornography, or any unlawful acts portraying sexual abuse to minors.
  • Spamming/ flooding.
  • Attempting or ensued access to someone else’s account and using the other user’s content without their consent.
  • Transmission of any software materials which includes viruses, bugs, time bombs, or any electronic materials that causes damaging effect to the website.
  • Any forms of modification, illicit selling, sublicensing, or dismantling any portion of the website.
  • Any form of removal of the company’s brand label or property rights showed on the website.
  • Mirroring any part of the website or link to any page of website offered other than the URLs given without any written consent from the firm.
  • Usage of any search/ recovery applications or software, can be in a form of an automatic device to retrieve, data mine, or with every means that would copy or bypass the websites’ directional built.
  • Unauthorized gathering of information from the website or from the user.

The client’s failure from abiding the above regulations will ensue Milton and Hugo in withdrawing your access and use of the website, otherwise a determination will be conducted judging of the sanctions violated. The company will not be accountable for any check payment concerns excluding the checks sent to address indicated below.

Milton and Hugo LLC
4407 Park Ave., Suite 5 Union City, NJ 07087