Publishing Process

  • Registration Landing Page/Publishing Specialist Contact

    The publication process will start once the Milton & Hugo team gets in contact with the author.

  • Compliance Of Publishing Materials

    It is important that the author complies with the publishing material requirements. This includes the author’s submission of the manuscript with texts on the cover and the book’s interior in MS Word.doc or Rich Text Format (RTF), along with its digital form or hard copies, in order to start the process the right way.

  • Book Design Process

    It is during this part of the process that the author will obtain their book’s interior and cover proofs. The proofs will serve as the drafts that will be reviewed by another group of experienced editors, authors, and proofreaders. Milton & Hugo’s editorial team will adhere to the requested designs or any possible alterations that the author requests. The extent of the changes will also be determined by the package that has been purchased from Milton & Hugo’s copyediting services.

  • Design Sample/ Preview

    Please note that the author’s digital samples will be provided by Milton & Hugo. This will allow readers to take a brief look at the author’s book. Any modifications requested by the author are welcome. As part of procedure, the book’s design preview will be sent back to the company until the author gives their final approval of the design preview.

  • Digital Sample/ Preview Approval

    The Digital Sample/ Preview approval phase is when we obtain the author’s approval of both electronic and physical proofs of their book. It is only after the approval is given that the book sample is printed.

  • Proof Of Printed Output

    It is during this phase that the author will be given the chance to review the printed output and the binding process as well. Milton & Hugo will send out the printed version once the process has been completed.

  • Approval Form Signing

    During this phase, the author will show approval of the published book by incorporating their signature into the printed version. This copy was provided during the earlier stages. The signature will imply the company’s fulfillment of the author’s printing and binding choices.

  • Global Distribution

    Please note that the author’s work will be distributed on a global scale through bookshops and online retailers.

  • Post-Fulfillment

    After the book is distributed, Milton & Hugo will maintain constant care over the sales and send royalties to the author in line with the revenue generated by the book.