Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions concerning Milton & Hugo, please read through our answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning publishing and marketing. This will give you a clearer idea on how Milton & Hugo, and the company’s overall self-publishing procedures.

About Milton & Hugo

Milton & Hugo is a safe haven for authors who wish to self-publish their manuscripts. The company hires only the best publishing professionals and employs modern book marketing techniques to enhance our client author’s chances of success.

Our business is located at 4407 Park Ave., Suite 5, Union City, NJ 07087, USA.

Milton & Hugo was founded in 2023, with the express vision of helping self-publishing authors to publish their books in the best and most affordable way possible. Milton & Hugo has a roster of highly skilled publishing professionals that will ensure your manuscript is published the right way.

Aside from a roster of highly skilled publishing professionals, Milton & Hugo understands the struggles of self-publishing authors. This is why all the services are designed to meet all the needs of client authors. By signing up with Milton & Hugo, your writing career will be in the best hands.

Of course! We know the drive you have to complete your book, and that you have every right to seek help from other publishers. You could also sell the rights to your book to the motion picture industry and many more options.

Yes indeed, Milton & Hugo is more than capable of publishing your manuscript in any language or dialect, as long as there is a supporting font available.

Yes, Milton & Hugo is more than able to offer top-notch services in the local and international markets. We offer publishing packages that include universal distribution and features that will fulfill all the needs of our client authors outside the United States of America.

Milton & Hugo is a legitimate company. It is an IBPA-accredited company. If you have any queries or concerns or would like any further clarification, please get in touch. To reach us, just contact us via Toll Free: 1-888-778-0033, Fax: 1-888-269-8055, or email:


By self-publishing your book, you will be able to avoid a lot of stress and uncertainty. Working with a traditional publisher could be quite difficult, because they have stringent publishing rules, and you will also need to share the royalties to your books. By self-publishing your book, you will have overall control of the book publishing process.

Self-publishing is made up of multiple steps. These include prepublication, publication, post-publication, promotion/book marketing, and sales bookkeeping.

Agents are not really necessary for the self-publishing endeavor, because as the author, you are given full creative control of the publishing process. However, it is advisable that you have the help of an agent because they can help you secure various publishing deals, movie offers, or any opportunities that may come up in the future.

Of course not. While self-publishing a book all by yourself may be stressful and work-intensive, with Milton & Hugo you won’t have to do it alone. You will be assigned a team of publishing professionals who will handle most of the publishing process for you.

No. All you will need is a completed manuscript, and the materials required for publishing. With Milton & Hugo’s help, you’ll have everything you need to self-publish your work with minimal stress or effort.

ISBN & Copyright

Copyright is defined as an exclusive and legal right that is granted to the author of a book. By having your book copyrighted, you will be able to move forward in the self-publishing process with confidence and security.

Yes. A copyright is required because it will give your book a great deal of legal protection. As the author of the book, you have full rights to copyright your work. You will need to register your book with the US Copyright Office to show your full ownership of the rights to the book.

After the publication of your work, the law will grant it copyright protection. Please take into account, it is not required for your work to be completed to be protected. There is also no requirement that your work be registered in the US Copyright Office in order for it to gain copyright security. However, you will receive some advantages if your book is registered under the US Copyright Office.

The key benefit of copyright registration is that it always comes through as a requirement even before an infringement suit is filed in court. Your registration usually keeps a public record of any copyright claims. Overall, the registration will come out as proof in court as validity of the copyright.

Yes, Milton & Hugo offers this service.

The copyright symbol is fairly easy to find. For Microsoft users, you can get the copyright symbol by making sure the “Num Lock” key on the right side of your computer is turned on. Please be sure to use those numbers, because the numbers on the top of the keyboard don’t work. After that, you should hold down the “Alt” key and press 0169. After you release the “ALT” key, the © will appear. As for Mac users, you should hold down the “Alt” key and then press G.

An ISBN is made up of 13 digits and is mostly used to identify globally published books. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Numbers and is to identify the title and edition of title from a specific publisher. The ISBN is also used for stock control in terms of sales, listing, and orders. It also helps organize product marketing by retailers, libraries, and distributors.

Yes. The ISBN is used to identify you as your book’s publisher and will serve as lifetime number assigned to your book.

Yes. This is because it helps establish you as your book’s publisher and will stay the same for life, whether you change your printer, retailer, or printers.

ISBNs are available from R.R. Bowker. You could also register and obtain an ISBN online even if you’re not in the US. Don’t worry, Milton & Hugo includes the acquiring of an ISBN in our publishing packages.

The ISBN could be located on the copyright page or at the back cover should the book not have a barcode.

The key difference is that the ISBN is made up of digits while the barcode is a combination of vertical lines that uses encrypted numerical information.

Distribution and Availability

This kind of printing is generally used in traditional publishing because it allows authors to print their books in bulk. The process entails the conversion of digital book films into film negatives that are then embossed on the book’s printing surface, and then turned into custom metal plates. Large rollers are then used to absorb the ink from said plates and transfer them on to the paper, thus printing the words into physical form.

Should you choose offset printing, you will be granted discounts for bulk orders. Thus, the more copies ordered, the bigger the discounts. Please note that the individual rates for offset printing will be separately cited and will depend on the book’s capacity.

You should also note that offset printing’s design and print is adaptable compared to print-on-demand printing (POD). This provides more alternatives such as:

  • Improved printing technology, which can guarantee high definition on the pages and book covers
  • There are additional cover and stock choices
  • Additional trim sizes and designs are also available

If you are wondering if offset printing is right for you, check out these conditions:

  • Your manuscript has specific print requirements that cannot be supported by POD
  • You want to sell your work in bulk
  • You want to reduce your production expenses and maximize your revenue

Take note that compared to POD, offset printing has a larger upfront expense, and there is no guarantee that your book will be endorsed through bookshops.

Yes, it is a requirement that you print at least 2,000 units. This will allow you to profit from your investment. If you have any questions, you should ask for assistance from the book consultant assigned to you.

The offset printing rate depends on the situation. It is determined by the volume of books, and your preferred format. If you have any questions, you can always ask your assigned book consultant.

Many publishing companies charge lower rates if you purchase in bulk. However, you should take into consideration the possibility that your books could remain unsold. It would be advisable to anticipate market movement of your book, to avoid such situations.

No. Milton & Hugo does not have reprinting because the company uses the print-on-demand process, which will make your book always available.


The editing process comes in different forms, and they are all necessary for your manuscript to be published effectively. Here are the types of editing we offer:

Line Editing: This type of editing covers mechanical editing and copyediting. During this part, the editor will go through your manuscript line-by-line, and look for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and grammar. This kind of editing takes less time to accomplish.

Developmental Editing: This kind of editing will involve the editor fixing your manuscript’s bigger issues. This includes the organization and presentation of thoughts and ideas, emotions, narrative technique, and thoughts in your manuscript. It will also address how your manuscript impacts your readers. This type of editing is more thorough and takes time to finish.

This depends on you. If you are confident in the preparation of your manuscript, you could choose not to have an editor. However, it is advisable that you have an editor look through your work. Remember that a skilled editor can spot errors in your manuscript. You should also have your work copyedited. Remember that an extra pair of eyes could mean the difference between a pristine final copy and a subpar one.

This is the process of ensuring the final copy of your manuscript is as polished as possible, before it gets printed. This is the last phase of editing, and it is where every aspect of the book is scrutinized. This includes the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. After the manuscript is sent to be printed, there is no chance for any further changes to the manuscript.

Bookselling and Royalties

A royalty is the money that you will make for every book sold.

You can earn royalties through the book sales that you have made. This will exclude your own purchases. Please take into account that the estimated sales figures will vary for each company. Milton & Hugo guarantees 80% royalties to authors.

Yes, booksellers can get discounts. Milton & Hugo offers a regular markdown of 45% on black and white (paperback) and premium color (hardcover and paperback). Milton & Hugo also offers 60% markdown on black and white (hardcover).

Please note that Royalties can only be earned if you pay the full price and if it’s directly ordered from Milton & Hugo’s website or through a bookseller/retailer without an author’s discount. Any orders made via email or phone will not be considered. This is because the royalty will serve as a discount up front. As for markdowns, this will differ based on the number of books that are purchased, ranging from 30% to 60%.

Milton & Hugo will usually decide the price of your book. Please remember that the book’s cost depends on the page count, type, and overall cost of production. You may also set your own price, which is free of charge. However, you should not set it lower than the standard retail price.

You will receive payments on a quarterly basis, if the amount reaches $50 or more. If the payment is less than $50 in a quarter, it will be carried over to the next quarter until it reaches or exceeds $50. Every payment will be carried forward until it reaches or exceeds $50.

If your orders are placed through Milton & Hugo, then your sales and royalty page will get updated every time buyers receive your book. If the sales are from the company distribution channel, it will be added on and updated on a monthly or quarterly basis. Please note that the figures will only appear on your sales and royalty page after they are shipped. Daily reports of shipped packages will be added automatically to your page.

You will still make 80% of the digital payments from sales that you have made. However, you will not get payments for eBook copies that are sold directly to you or given for free.

Books can be ordered through Milton & Hugo, via online retailers, or through local bookshops. Here are the company contacts:
Tel: 1-888-778-0033
Fax: 1-888-269-8055

You could also visit and for online purchases. You may also proceed to the customer service desk for orders in traditional bookstores.

No. The shipping and handling fees are not free. Such fees will apply to all regular book orders, package books, and for copies purchased through special offers and promos.

No. Any number of orders will always be accommodated.

Of course. It is recommended that you use offset printing for bulk orders of your book. This will help reduce your expenses and allow you more options for the quality of your prints.

This will depend on the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing program. The more stable and organized it is, the more chance there is you will profit from your investment. Apart from the marketing services you purchased from Milton & Hugo, you could also increase your profits if you use your own connections and platforms to market your work.

Please note that all Milton & Hugo book orders are considered non-refundable. Should there be any sub-par printing, we will ensure that these copies are replaced. Please note you have 30 business days (upon receiving your order) to report any quantity or quality issues to and

Please note that due to the nature of our business, all orders are printed at the time of the order. This means that cancellation and changes are no longer possible once the order is completed. Titles are also non-returnable, so you should double check all the shipping, billing addresses, shipping options, and quantities before you submit your order.

Disclaimer: Please note that Milton & Hugo will not be held accountable for any replacement of any damaged or lost items in shipping services or international shipping offered.

If you want to get started on your self-publishing journey, just register via

You could also email us through or give us a call: 1-888-778-0033

(US toll free) between 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST- Monday to Friday.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Get your manuscript ready

    You should make sure to send your manuscript as a single digital file. The file should be in the following formats: Rich Text Format (.rtf) or MS Word (.doc).

  2. Have your image files ready

    Make sure that your image files can be sent through the following procedures:

    • Milton & Hugo email at or through the WeTransfer app.
    • The images will be set as grayscale should you opt for printing a black and white book.
    • On the other hand, full color books will be produced with images in the CMYK color mode.
  3. You should be sure to submit the author’s biography and book summary along with its digital file

    The necessary information may be provided in the Order Form. For digital files, you may supply it with the text of their summary or overview, and the autobiography for the book’s back cover and webpage too.

  4. Back up all your important files

    To avoid any loss of important data, you are advised to save or back up all your materials on a safe data storage device.

  5. Fill up and sign the order form and publishing agreement

    Please ensure you fill out all the necessary forms and complete ALL the information that is requested of you. This includes the publishing, add-on, editorial, marketing services, and mode of payment. Please do remember to attach the necessary signature along with the forms.

  6. You should make sure to submit all the materials to the fulfillment officer assigned to you

    After all the forms are filled out and completed, the materials should be submitted. You will receive a confirmation of your submission.