We Are A Self-Publishing Company

Back in the day, in order to have your manuscript published, you needed to get a publishing deal. This may seem easy, but most traditional publishing houses are very difficult to secure a publishing deal with. If you’re going to wait for a publishing deal, you may have to delay your publishing journey. Some writers even get rejected by traditional publishing houses.

Why not try self-publishing? What is self-publishing, I hear you ask. It is the act of publishing a book without the help of traditional publishing houses. While this may seem easy, it can still be tricky. You have to pay for everything, and you need to do everything without the support of a publishing house.

Don’t worry though, Milton & Hugo is more than capable of helping you reach your true writing potential. We are a self-publishing company that is fully committed to your writing success. We have all the tools and experience needed to publish and market your book.

Milton & Hugo has the capacity to help authors publish books in across a range of genres, including:

  • Fiction
  • Self-help
  • Memoirs
  • Spirituality
  • And so much more

We’ll Help You Gain Self-Publishing Success

Although self-publishing a book comes with many pitfalls, this does not mean you can’t do it successfully. By publishing with Milton & Hugo, you will be equipped with all you need to self-publish your book. What sets Milton & Hugo apart from other companies is the care and meticulous attention we give each of our authors. Here are some of the benefits we provide to our authors.

  • You get to keep all the rights to your work
  • Enhanced discoverability
  • Discounts and promos
  • Overall publishing control
  • Efficient publishing team
  • Expanded book marketing range

Get Started On Your Writing Success

Getting started on the self-publishing process can be quite daunting. There are so many things to account for, and so many factors involved in gaining success. Don’t be afraid though. Milton & Hugo is a company specifically designed to help authors self-publish their work. So don’t waste any more time. Take the next big step to self-publishing success! Get in touch with us!