Advanced Editorial Service


When it comes to editing your manuscript, you should make sure you include line editing in the process. Line editing is a comprehensive style of editing, and its main focus is looking at how the author uses language to convey a specific message to their readers. This form of editing does not really focus on the technical aspects of writing. Instead, it’s about ensuring the content is cohesive and has context. With the Milton & Hugo's line editing service, editors will check the content and make sure it imparts the author’s intended message to the readers.

The line editing service will look out for the following specifics:

  • Character Voice
  • Perspective
  • Point of View
  • Plot Structure
  • Overall Theme
  • Overall Consistency
  • Character Development
  • Overall Weaknesses within the Story

The line editing process is predominantly carried out to check the composition of an existing sentence. These sentences will be inspected for redundancy, dangling modifiers, unclear meaning, inconsistency in pronoun use or narration, usage of words depending on the context, and basic fact-checking.

Please note: All editing services have a 5,000-word minimum charge. The allocated time for fulfillment usually runs for two to three weeks. This will depend on the company’s work backlog and the intricacy of the manuscript.


Milton & Hugo’s line editing service can only be used during the production phase and is not applicable to books that are already printed or displayed to be sold.


Manuscripts are only eligible for one FREE round of revision. Should there be succeeding revisions, standard rates will be applied. All requested corrections and alterations must be forwarded to us in one communication. Please note that standard rates will apply on additional corrections.


Milton & Hugo offers content editing, which focuses on improving the manuscript by checking any discrepancies, factual slips, and character inaccuracies. This service aims to enhance the essential elements of the writing.

This type of editing involves enhancing the overall flow and structure of the manuscript. The content editor considers the genre and respects the author's unique writing style. If needed, the editor may suggest improvements with the author's approval.

Content editing reviews the following specifics in the manuscript:

(For Non-fiction)

  • Accuracy of the sources
  • Confirmation of theories and facts that are used in the manuscript

(For Fiction)

  • Discrepancies in the storyline
  • Clunky dialogue
  • Character and plot discrepancies
  • Facts within the story that may require direct authorization or consent.

Criteria for Content Editing:

Milton & Hugo takes content editing seriously and applies the following criteria to all content editing projects.

For fiction, our editors will focus on examining the coherence of the plot, the characters, and the scene.

For non-fiction books, our editor will focus on the accuracy of the information, statistics, and ideas.

Please keep in mind that all editing services have a 5000-word minimum charge .  It is recommended that you have line editing carried out on your work before you have it copyedited. You will be given a completion time of two to three weeks. This is determined by the company’s work backlog and the complexity of the manuscript.


The content editing service can only be used during the production process. It does not apply to books that have already been printed or are ready for sale.


Manuscripts are only eligible for one FREE round of revision. Should there be succeeding revisions, standard rates will be applied. All requested corrections and alterations must be forwarded to us in one communication. Please note that standard rates will apply on additional corrections.


Developmental editing is most effective when applied during the writing process, providing a safety net for catching mistakes. Milton & Hugo offers authors the support of a developmental editor to enhance the readability of their content.

Developmental editing will cover the following specifics:

  • Character Voice
  • Pacing
  • Perspective
  • Character Development
  • Plot Structure
  • Overall theme
  • Overall Consistency
  • Overall Weaknesses within the story

Criteria For Developmental Editing:

Fiction Writing: Our expert editors will focus on reviewing the readership and genre of your fiction writing to determine its suitability. Then, they will review the storyline, pace, characterization, and dialogue.

Non-Fiction Writing: Our expert editors will evaluate nonfiction manuscripts for relevance, content appropriateness, sufficient idea development, precise factual assertions, and structured material.

Important Note:

Please keep in mind that all editing services have a 5000-word minimum charge.  It is recommended that you have developmental editing competed on your work before you have it copyedited. You will also be given a completion time of two to three weeks. This is determined by the company’s work backlog and the complexity of the manuscript.


The content editing service can only be used during the production process. It does not apply to books that have already been printed or are ready for sale.


Manuscripts are only eligible for one FREE round of revision. Should there be succeeding revisions, standard rates will be applied. All requested corrections and alterations must be forwarded to us in one communication. Please note that standard rates will apply on additional corrections.