Milton & Hugo Author Reviews

Our world revolves around our authors!

Milton & Hugo empowers authors in exploring and reaching their full potential. We can help you do the same. Come and take a look at these inspiring testimonials from our authors who have achieved their goals and seen amazing results. Let their success stories motivate and encourage you to pursue your own dreams.

Publishing Service

Milton Hugo is an outstanding publishing company. I will forever be grateful to them for the undaunted assistance provided to me along my journey to publish my story of narcissistic abuse. My journey was reached quickly and efficiently. A particular thanks goes to the staff. My journey began with them. They made me believe my goal was achievable. They were so kind, so understanding, and so encouraging. They kept me informed every step of the way. I appreciate their patience with me as I made unexpected changes along the way. I do have no aspirations to become an author. My goal was to write my story. I accomplished that with Milton and Hugo...I strongly recommend them to others.

Publishing Service

I would definitely recommend Milton and Hugo to anyone who wants to publish a book. Professional, friendly, and knowledgeable describe everyone I have had contact with from the company.

Publishing Service

I do recommend Milton & Hugo to succeed in your publishing journey because they have competitive skills as well as deliver their best effort—all worth it.

Publishing Service

My experience with Milton and Hugo was overall a great and easy experience. They make it simple and easygoing for new authors and offer help if needed. I would recommend Milton and Hugo to other authors or future authors.

Publishing Service

My experience with Milton & Hugo has been amazing. My publishing agent has been super nice, and they were very attentive in helping me in any way possible. I would definitely recommend them to others.

Publishing Service

My experience as a first-time author with Milton & Hugo was amazing! The entire process was seamless. From the submission of my edits to their response time and turnaround —phenomenal! They took my picture for my cover and brought my book to life. Thank you!